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here's to a new us

I've always loved celebrating New Year's Eve. I don't know if it's the goal setting that I love; or rather, the false hope that the majority of our resolutions won't be forgotten in a few short weeks *wink*.

If 2016 was a person, I'd punch it in the face.

Not that I had an inherently bad time- but I had to learn so many lessons the hard way. I faced so many obstacles that I hadn't ever even dreamed of, and it was no piece of cake. This past year was full of highs and lows. I've met some of my very best friends and lost some people I thought I never would. It was the best of times and the worst of times, and I can honestly tell you I wouldn't trade it for the world. I just wanted to share a few things I've found out these past 365 days:

1. I would like to think the most important thing I've been taught this year is to wholeheartedly love who you are. It makes it so much easier to face whatever comes your way when you're on your own home team, not constantly battling yourself. Remember that you WILL make mistakes, and they will make you stronger and better than before. Don't be so hard on yourself.

2. One of my favorite quotes (from The Perks of Being a Wallflower) is "Things change. And friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody". Here is a news flash: people are not going to be in your life forever. But it's okay, that's how it's supposed to be. As we grow older, sometimes that means we grow apart (especially in/after high school). Cherish all the time you have with the people you're with. Also, don't waste your time with people who make you feel hard to love. You're worth more than that :)

3. We get so caught up in what other people are doing, and what the 'next big thing' we can do will be. Enjoy the little moments. Whether it's driving in the car with someone who makes your heart happy while listening to the lumineers, getting a B+ on your math test, or wearing your favorite teeshirt to school. We tend to look to the future for happiness, and that's just not the way it has to be. Find joy in the small moments that are happening right now.

4. Learn to spend time alone. You will be alone more often than not, and you need to know how to be comfortable in your own skin! Go see a movie by yourself, spend a friday night reading your favorite book, treat yourself to a gas station soda and beef jerky just because. Be friends with yourself. It opens so many doors you didn't even know were there.


I've been excited for 2017 for a long time. There are so many things I can't wait for. I'm graduating, turning 18, close friends are coming home from missions, starting college in the fall. Thinking about it all is a little bit overwhelming! Sure, I've made new year's resolutions.

They're all fairly predictable: get enough sleep, exercise, write in a journal, spend less time on my phone, eat healthier. But my biggest piece of advice to you, as well as myself is: don't let a single moment pass you by. We live in a time when people do incredible things simply for the sake of posting them on social media. I read somewhere that we are the generation who 'stops to smell the roses.. so we can put it on our snapchat story'. Life isn't about how many likes or comments your picture got. It's about how much you loved and how hard you laughed and how much you cried. Remember not to live in the past. We're growing and we're becoming better and we don't need to dwell on what used to be. Most of all, I hope you are so perfectly and incandescently happy this year. It's starting right now, my friends, and WE ARE GONNA KNOCK TWO THOUSAND SEVENTEEN'S SOCKS OFF.

So, with all that being said, here's to hoping you spend this year pressing forward.

here's to a new me, here's to a new you, and here's to a new us. cheers!

can't wait to see what the future brings!!!



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